We were faced with our child, Marcus,
being transgender. Initially we struggled as a family to come to a place of understanding and common ground to even begin the journey. It was through this process with Marcus we discovered the complexity, fears, lack of understanding and being totally lost. We chose to honor the real individual. The change in all of us and the freedom of spirit has been life changing.
Marcus is grateful to have a loving family that is supportive and willing to be open. The support and strength is now needed for teens who have not experienced acceptance in their family.
We want to help others who struggle. Working towards reuniting families of those individuals. We are fully aware of how difficult this
The Family's Journey
About Marcus
Marcus is a co-founder of Safe Harbor for Trans Teens. He is a nineteen year old college student currently going to the Community College of Vermont, working towards attending a four year university and becoming a Neurologist. He is an active part of the community, and a frequent facilitator, speaker, and panelist on issues important to LGBTQ+ rights.
process can be within a family. Our hope is that through time and education, families can eventually be reuinited. We provide the place where everyone can be given the space they need.

About Penny & Chuck
Penny co-founded Safe Harbor for Trans Teens with her son, Marcus. She is an advocate and an artist. She always loves to rearrange the house to see if anyone notices. She has a Masters of Education specializing in alternative education and advocacy with extensive post graduate work in trauma. She is certified as a Safe Space trainer for LBGTQIA and is actively involved in social justice for the queer community focusing on trans people rights. She loves to travel, finds comfort in the woods and enjoys being around friends and family. She has an offbeat sense of humor with a strong belief all families need support at one time or another. Penny believes advocacy and social justice are not a privilege but a right for all of humanity.
Chuck has been a lifelong advocate for social and racial justice. He has been a congressional and committee staffer and Washington Lobbyist for 28 years focusing on his passion for education, nutrition, and equal opportunity for all. In Vermont, he brings his passion to developing community dialogue around pressing issues facing our state throughout all 14 counties. His hobbies include hiking, snowshoeing, and neural surgery.. Chuck is currently the outreach director for Rights & Democracy.